Monday, October 1, 2007

Back to the future

Was in one of those random meetings today about 'what the next five years will hold for us, and how will digital take over the world'. And jokingly someone mentioned that we would soon see a resurgence of the 30sec spot...

And so, the conversation turned to half an hour of chatting about TV ads we currently love. And we had the usual suspects of Phil Collins / Gorilla (and whatever chocolate bar it is), bouncing balls, splashing paint and the soon to come plasticine bunnies for Sony.

And the delightful food-porn that is the Lurpack ad. (Which apparently saw an increase in sales over 20% a week after breaking - now that's an IPA award if ever I saw one!)

Ok, I know that the networks are dying and personalised and relevant 'TV ads' will soon be distributed through mobile, RFID tagging at point of sale and beamed into my head through the headphones on my next-gen ipods (maybe).

But there's nothing like some good old fashioned nostalgia. So I'm loving the new/old Aquafresh ads happily sitting in prime time. Quite refreshing in a world where most ads currently seem to include some whimsical floaty people with some whimsical floaty acoustic guitar music in the background (yeah, thanks Sony / Jose Gonzalez for starting that musical trend).

Let's bring back jingles, I say.

[And for some more predictions in Blogworld, check out this recent Holy Cow post - good stuff Mr. Hancock]

1 comment:

Doug said...

ah, good to see you back Mr Gage. Keep it up!

Although I'd take that Lurpak stat with a pinch of salt if I was you......

Nice work on the house BTW