I bought a new set of toys just before Christmas.
Arturia's pack of soft-synths of some classics: Moog Modular, Minimoog, Prophet, CS-80, ARP 2600, and Jupiter 8.
Obviously, I'd love to have the originals of these wonderful instruments, but I don't have the money. Or more importantly, I don't have the space.
Anyway, I've been fairly productive, having written two new tracks, which you can download
here. (Left click on it to hear it in your browser. Right click, save target as to download the mp3)
The first one, Switching You On is a more dancey number, and to be honest could do with a new mix and some better production. But you can hear lots of analogue burbles going on. Nice.
I've spent a bit more time on the production of the second one: Transmission Out. There's a bit of moog and some ARP in there. But I'm particularly happy to have found an amazing Fender Rhodes sound.
2008 promises to be full of music I hope!